Friday, May 30, 2008

I guess I just believe in balance

So I was thinking that there ought to be organizations opposed to PETA. I don't mean like cattle ranchers or chicken farmers, I mean people who want to kill animals as much as PETA wants to save them. Not to eat them, not to hunt them, but to eradicate them because they hate them. I tried to find such an organization by google searching "extermination of all animals" and "animal genocide" but I couldn't find anything so then I posted this thread on a craigslist discussion board.I don't really hate animals, in fact I really like cats and some dogs once I get to know them. But I am just thinking that if there are people out there who want to exterminate blacks and say they are no better than monkeys, were are all the people who are trying to exterminate monkeys?

1 comment:

just some guy said...

I made the mistake of subscribing to the craigslist thread so now it's been like 5 minutes and I have 30 new emails in my inbox.