Tuesday, November 30, 2010

One day...

One day I'll be humble enough to sincerely believe that God doesn't think that I'm better than an atheist just because I believe in him.

...that's more than I can say for the atheist.

The Heart of Human Being

The sun will still be rising
The sun will go to bed
For another 7 billion years
After I am dead.

And the world will take 6.999
9999 billion less
To lose every single record
Of all that my life ever meant.

I wonder after all that time
In all expanding space
Will there ever be found anything
As lovely as your face?

And in all those empty eons
After our sun's been consumed
Will there be any conscious creature
Who understands this empty room?

So I find my knees and I find my voice
And I beg God for relief.
But the thought occurs that maybe first
I should beg God for belief.

I don't need to know the future
But I'm trying to find some peace.
And I'd like to think, after we're all dead
There might still be some living thing.

That thinks and hears and understands
Why the humans sing.
That sees and feels and understands
The heart of human being.

Thursday, November 25, 2010


Monday, November 22, 2010

The one thing I can not stand...

If there is one thing that I hate more than Gun lovers, evangelical Christians, democrats, Jews, Foreigners, Blacks, homosexuals, bisexuals, transsexuals, those otherwise sexually active, Neo-Nazis, the GOP, North Africans, and "dog people" (people that like dogs, not people that are dogs)... it's a bigot! DAMN THOSE BIGOTS!!!

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Morals won't keep me warm in winter.

A friend of mine was telling me how happy he is about some recent progressive trends in American society. We talked about the societal shift in America from being what one might call (euphemistically) a puritan society with stringent morals, to a morally liberated society where the only thing that isn't OK is to think that something is not OK. The major problem with morals is that they impose a sense of "rightness" or "wrongness" that can be utterly confusing. This is because, believe it or not, there is no universally accepted idea of right and wrong. In fact the terms "right" and "wrong" are merely abstract ideas like "love" and "hope"... but even worse. At least Love produces data. Love can be measured in terms of chemical reactions in the brain, increased heart rate or other physical responses. But right and wrong are based totally on personal belief and faith that a certain action or outcome is a "good" while another is "bad". We used to rely on superstition and and fear to give us a standard of right and wrong that while not universal, shared many similarities among the worlds superstitions. Fortunately increased availability of "education" has elevated scientific thought (to it's proper place as Lord and Savior) and helped us to let go of these cumbersome superstitions.

Of course it's an ongoing process and some of us are (understandably) having a hard time completely letting go of our morals. However, the fact remains that there is no universal laws by which one can "prove" scientifically that slavery is wrong or that the holocaust was either good or bad, so I think it's only a matter of time before we stop clinging to our outdated traditions and step out into the brave new world where it won't matter if we are a man or a woman... because even a woman (with all her frailty and physical inadequacy) can still give a slave orders.

Monday, November 8, 2010


I think I'd like to marry a screamer. That way our kids will never know whether we are fighting or having sex.

Saturday, November 6, 2010