Tuesday, June 24, 2008


Human beings take a drastic toll on the environment through their everyday actions. From releasing CO2 and other green house gases that are raising the earth's temperature, to ocean pollution and deforestation, the negative effects of humans on the earths delicate ecosystem can no longer be ignored.

The good news is that I have figured out a way to solve all of the environments problems in one easy step. If everyone on the earth were to take the life of just one other human being than the human threat to the environment would be completely neutralized.

Sounds to good to be true doesn't it? But it is, all that it would take to save our planet once and for all is for each of us to kill just one other person. Of course in many instances this will require some planning and careful timing, but together we can make a difference. Remember, the time for action is now! Stab your neighbor, Save the world!

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