Sunday, October 24, 2010

Things I almost said but never said.

The following is a list of things that I almost said to you but never said to you:

1. I love you.
2. I hate you.
3. Do you want to grab lunch.
4. I hope you get hit by a bus today.
5. Will you marry me, we will have beautiful children. We will name them Aurelie and Thomas. Thomas will have your hair and eyes and Aurelie will have my complexion. They will both learn to play classical instruments and put on concerts for us, and even though they will sound terrible we will applaud them and tell them they are wonderful. Aurelie will get hit by a car two weeks before her ninth birthday... BUT IT WILL ONLY BRING US CLOSER TOGETHER AS A FAMILY!
6. I'm not a rapist, I just crush a lot

The following is a list of things that I did say to you, but that you didn't hear because you were walking out the door of our apartment building:

1. Hi.

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