Friday, December 24, 2010

Out of the mouth of babes

This is a story that a five-year old French boy told me... in English.

"Do you know the juifs?" He asked me. Juif is French for Jew.
"Yes" I said.
"The juifs were in prison."
"I know," I replied, "but it wasn't because they did something wrong, it was because the leaders of the government made a bad choice."
Then he told me this story. "The daddy of Mamina (Mamina is his grandma) was a... a juif. And he was in prison but then someone said to him, come come, and he goed and he... um... escaped from prison. That's good huh."
"Yep, pretty good." I affirmed.
And then he added as an after thought. "But now he's dead anyway."

You are a wise, wise man young squire.

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